Thursday, November 18, 2010

Chicken Abuse ???

Humane Society of the United States on Wednesday took aim at the largest producer of fresh eggs in the country, releasing images and a report it said documents federal safety violations and inhumane treatment of chickens.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Truck crash scatters chickens

Dozens of chickens were scattered across a Highway in Quebec overnight when a large truck went off the road. The crash happened near St. Mathieu de Beloeil when the truck driver veered off the highway and into a ditch, turning the truck on its side. The truck was carrying crates of live chickens which were thrown across the highway and the side of the road.

Tuesday, November 09, 2010

Diesel from chicken fat

Tyson Foods Inc. and fuel developer Syntroleum Corp. will announce Monday that they have successfully opened a plant that makes diesel from chicken fat and leftover food grease in Geismar, La., south of Baton Rouge.